Posts tagged "developer"

Technology Stack (Server) ‘Kompas TTS’

Kurang lebih enam (6) bulan ini beberapa rekan dari berbagai unit (Desain, Teknologi, Inovasi, Produksi Iklan, Marketing Communication dan juga partner kami, Radyalabs) berusaha mengembangkan atau sebut saja mem-porting permainan Teka-Teki Silang Kompas (Kompas TTS) dari format kertas koran menjadi aplikasi mobile di smartphone. Berawal dari Smartphone dengan sistem operasi Windows Phone (Thanks to Nokia… Continue reading

Sublime Text Code Editor!

Right now, I’m using various developer tools to manage application code. Before this month, developer tools such as Visual Studio, SQL Server Management Studio, HeidiSQL and Notepad++ are the daily tools for developing application. Well, i think the application world is evolving in rapid ways, the horizon of an application development  suddenly becoming more vast… Continue reading