Time seems to have flown by so quickly. It feels like just yesterday that Poppa Momma was taking you to elementary school, and today, at this new chapter in your life, Poppa Momma is sending you off once again.

But this time, it’s different, CB.

Poppa Momma is sending you to a place that will be your second home for the next three years—a boarding school that will shape you into an independent, strong, and compassionate individual.

As parents, our emotions are truly mixed. On one hand, there is immense pride in seeing you ready to face the world, but on the other, there is an emptiness that slowly fills our hearts.

How could it not? The sound of your laughter that once filled every corner of our home must now be cherished only in our memories.

But, CB, there is one thing you should always know. Behind every step you take, there is our prayer that always accompanies you.

Poppa Momma believes that in every challenge you will encounter, you will always remember the strong roots we have planted within you—values that will serve as the foundation in every decision you make.

This boarding school will be a place for you to grow, CB. There, you will learn not just about school subjects, but about life itself.

You will discover the meaning of friendship, understand responsibility, and most importantly, you will begin to understand yourself.

Always remember, no matter how far you go, this home will always be here for you.

Poppa Momma may no longer be able to hold you every day, but know that our embrace of prayers will always be present each night, guiding you as you sleep and welcoming you as the sun rises.

Enjoy your new adventure, CB. Be a light for yourself and for those around you.

Poppa Momma is eagerly waiting for you to come home with a wealth of stories and experiences that you will bring back to this house.

With boundless care,

Poppa and Momma

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