Berdasarkan posting oleh Nathan Weinberg, kita dapat mencari file mp3 dan ebook dengan mudah dan ‘gratis’ pada direktori web yang unsecure.
Untuk menemukan file mp3 “The Cure”, cukup mengetikkan script ini pada serachbox google.
intitle:index.of "mp3" +"The Cure" -htm -html -php -asp "Last Modified"
Sedangkan untuk mencari ebook “ASP.NET” misalnya, ketikkan script berkut:
-inurl:htm -inurl:html intitle:"index of" +("/ebooks"|"/book") +(chm|pdf|zip) +"ASP.NET" "Last Modified"
Atau cukup kunjugi
Happy hunting…
mantaf banget dit informasinya
Wah gak perlu p2p app nih :-D, great post..
Bloodgood reminds me of the detective in the first season on "Angel" played by Elizabeth Röhm. ,
I usually don't post comments, but I've been doing a lot of research on this topic lately, so I just could not resist. Articles here gave me a lot of boost in my research, so I wanted to thank you.
fantastic article. I will bookmark it! Cheers
great site and great topics covered, I will certainly be coming back for more soon.